Caballito de Mar
Para muchos detenidos y torturados en la dictadura cívico militar en Chile liderada por Pinochet desde 1973 a 1990 la rejilla en forma de caballito de mar del desagüe se convirtió en un símbolo de fortaleza, ternura y esperanza. Era lo que veían en el baño por el espacio que les permitía la venda que llevaban en los ojos ya que solo podían mirar hacia el suelo.
Para muchos detenidos y torturados en la dictadura cívico militar en Chile liderada por Pinochet desde 1973 a 1990 la rejilla en forma de caballito de mar del desagüe se convirtió en un símbolo de fortaleza, ternura y esperanza. Era lo que veían en el baño por el espacio que les permitía la venda que llevaban en los ojos ya que solo podían mirar hacia el suelo.
For many detainees and tortured during the civil-military dictatorship in Chile led by Pinochet from 1973 to 1990, the seahorse-shaped grate in the drain became a symbol of strength, tenderness and hope. It was what they saw in the bathroom through the space allowed by the blindfold they wore, since they could only look at the floor.
For many detainees and tortured during the civil-military dictatorship in Chile led by Pinochet from 1973 to 1990, the seahorse-shaped grate in the drain became a symbol of strength, tenderness and hope. It was what they saw in the bathroom through the space allowed by the blindfold they wore, since they could only look at the floor.

You arrived at that place after the blows,
the electricity, all the fears and
horrorsyou had to endure and the water
cleansed you of that suffering, all the bad things,
all the anger, fear and suffering were
carried away by the seahorse of the bronze grid.
In addition, everything that the body cannot bear,
everything that you have to throw away,
everything that is no longer useful
was also carried away by the long tunnel
that was born in the little horse
and that at some point reached the freedom
we all longed for.