Cartas Relatos de Amor Propio
Mazo de 50 cartas ilustradas realizadas para Teraideas con frases de la psicóloga Javiera Donoso, separadas en 5 temáticas diferenciadas por color.
Agradezco todas las licencias creativas que tuve al abordar este proyecto,
pueden ver el mazo y adquirirlo en la página de la editorial: www.teraideas.cl
Stories of Self-Love
Deck of 50 illustrated cards made for Teraideas with phrases by psychologist Javiera Donoso, separated into 5 themes differentiated by color.
I appreciate all the creative licenses I had when tackling this project,
you can see the deck and purchase it at the publisher's website: www.teraideas.cl
Deck of 50 illustrated cards made for Teraideas with phrases by psychologist Javiera Donoso, separated into 5 themes differentiated by color.
I appreciate all the creative licenses I had when tackling this project,
you can see the deck and purchase it at the publisher's website: www.teraideas.cl

¡Gracias por pasar!
Thank you for watch!